Monday 13 April 2009

Stay Positive

I would like to post my first ever positive blog. I seem to be in a good mood. Probably because there was a *cough* "fight" outside work, and all it did was serve as a reminder that chavs are a dying breed.

It does seem that there is very little to remain positive about. I'm of the opinion that society glorifies everything that is wrong with the world (as noted in my aforementioned hatred of films involving 'geezers'), but I think that this only serves to make the special things that much better - because they belong to a select few who truly appreciate, rather than the great unwashed who simply pick the carcass clean (Little Britain anyone? No? Good).

I would like to talk about The Hold Steady - 'The Worlds Greatest Bar Band'. I struggled to understand this term until I actually heard them I don't think it can be explained with words. I have a plan to entice all of my friends on to their team - wait until one of them has had a bad day, pass them an ice cold beer and tell them, 'shut up and listen to this'.

Granted - this probably won't work. In my experience they are an acquired taste - Craig Finn doesn't so much sing as he does read poetry he found at the bottom of his whiskey bottle. But, having only discovered them for myself a matter of months ago, I already class them as one of my favourite bands. And if you'd seen my cd collection, you would know that this is a lofty task.

There's something so life affirming about them. R.E.M without an agenda, Counting Crows without the pretentious air, Bruce Springsteen without his tendency to pander for radio. And they just make you want to drink and have a good time. They make you want to gather your friends and tell them how awesome they are. And because, at a surprisingly cynical and jaded 22 years of age, I can still be made to feel like this way by music, I feel that this band is probably something special.

Also, Volbeat are quite good

Friday 27 February 2009

Action Jackson

So I hate action movies. Or at least I like to think I do. I like to think I'm the sort of person who wears a smoking jacket and reads The Independent whilst eating croissant, when in fact, I'm the sort of person who watches Jackass, whilst wearing a Hawaiian shirt and drinking Jack Daniels. But damn it, I do it like a thinking man! I wont just watch Jackass, I will form a coherent argument about why it is funny, and why you're a snob for not liking it.

So, as much disdain as I hold for 'geezers', I can't seem to separate myself from them in terms of viewership. The realization came to me when I was looking at my DVD collection, expecting to find a myriad of cultured, well thought out movies about the human condition, and instead finding out that, apparently, I am still a 13 year old boy. I started by looking at La Haine, There Will Be Blood, Suzhou River...

And before long, I'm looking at Cloverfield, Resident Evil and Walking Tall*. And the little cultured man in my head tuts loudly as he reaches for his brie. But there is a much louder little man in my head. And as far as I am aware, his name is 'Fuck-You Man'. He knows me. He knows that my brain doesn't want me to enjoy movies like this, but I do. So he forms arguments. He is my speech writer, if you will, and he allows me to operate as a working class snob.

He knows that human beings only have a certain capacity for knowledge and learning, and he knows how to differentiate between art and toss. And to him, art is toss, because it's boring, and at no point in any form of art, does anybody jump a motorcycle off the roof of a skyscraper, into the bad guys living room as he sits down for dinner.

So, bollocks to you art. My name is Craig Vidler, I am working class, and apparently, I am not very proud of it.

*You really should watch Walking Tall. It's 70 minutes of The Rock hitting people with a piece of wood. It's like the physical interpretation of 'Down With The Sickness' by Disturbed. Oh-wa-aa-aa-aa!

Saturday 7 February 2009


So i quit my job, and I'm only in uni once a week, completing a degree that I'm not sure I actually want or need any more. Unsurprisingly, my brain throws up the question of what I'm going to do. And it's a scary prospect.

And it is BRILLIANT.

For the first time in my life, I really have that feeling of being able to go anywhere and do anything I want. And I love being scared about my future, because it means that my life hasn't been mapped out, I'm not stuck in an office until I'm 65. And with any luck I never will be.

So. I'm 22 years old. I have no job, no car, no responsibilities.

2010 is gonna be pretty f--ing exciting. I'm thinking stand up comic/rock star/pro wrestler. You can call it growing up, I think of it as selling out.

Listen to Ben Harper please.

Monday 26 January 2009


So it seems the blog will come in handy, as I have a lot of nights where I just lie in bed, looking at the ceiling, mixing thoughts of great consequence with random bits of movie trivia. It can get a bit overwhelming, and writing helps. Although I have realised that no matter my frame of mind, I just don't have it in me to do dark and brooding. At this point I feel I must apologise to my friend Alex. I really enjoyed her blogs, and found them articulate to the point of being terrifying, I feel like i'm wasting blog space in comparison!

So... thoughts for the evening :
  • The little girl in the advert for Haribo is terrifying
  • Speaking of adverts, an open letter to Cadburys - fucking stop it.
  • Pineapple Express is great.
  • My Bloody Valentine (in headache inducing 3-D, no less) is really quite dreadful.
  • I can't take myself seriously enough to do the 'troubled artist' thing.
  • I've watched a frankly horrific amount of television today.
I've started working on my next script and already I dislike it a great deal. I really need someone of a similar mind to look over my shoulder and say 'no, that's shit, stop being shit, you shit'.

In closing, I would like to wish Patton Oswalt a Happy 40th. Patton is the best kept secret in stand up comedy (at least he is in the U.K), and I strongly suggest you check him out.

Please carry on listening to Faith No More.


Saturday 24 January 2009

Entree 1

I was inspired by various things to create a blog. Mostly due to me having a place to vent, giving me by proxy the ability to switch my brain off at night.

I recently became unemployed, which was entirely my decision. A decision which I may come to regret, as apparently there's a recession going on. Who knew? Regardless, I'm happy to not be working in the catering industry any more.

A direct symptom of being unemployed is the human brain screaming at you to do things. Relevant things. Things that do not include daytime TV. So I write things now. And I'm about to start writing a script. I haven't decided on the length yet, and the subject matter would probably be touchy if I wasn't available to explain it in person. So I won't explain it. Just trust me.

Listen to Faith No More please.
